Aiguille-page 2 of 9, Chamonix France Ski Pics
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Looking out towards the route we are preparing to ski--bottom center of the photo
Can't wait to track it up...

Scoping the ridge that we will downclimb from the top of the needle
The Ridge

Our little party, left to right: Mark, Scott, Tom, Ron   (Click here to enlarge)                                       Sheer cliff walls surround us   (Click here to enlarge)
Party of Four   Sheer drops of thousands of feet

Scott posing--some skiers are visible at the bottom right   (Click here to enlarge)                  Ron looks like he's at the edge of the world   (Click here to enlarge)
Is this real?   'Incredible!' Is all Ron has to say.

We'll be crossing this bridge and going thru the tunnel   (Click here to enlarge)             Opposite angle shows skiers descending the ridge   (Click here to enlarge)
How exciting is this?   Bridge and tunnel

Scott gearing up with harnesses and crampons   (Click here to enlarge)                                  Tom making a few adjustments for Mark   (Click here to enlarge)
None of us can read the language on the yellow sign...I wonder if it's important?   This is cool!


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